Types of solar panels

Solar panels/solar cell change the intensity of sunlight into electrical energy. Photovoltaic/solar cell generates a current that is used to charge the battery.

Photovoltaic/solar cell consists of photovoltaic, generating electricity from the intensity of the light, as light intensity decreases (cloudy, rainy, overcast) electricity produced would also be reduced.

By adding photovoltaic/solar cell (expanding) means adding the conversion of solar power. Large solar panels/solar cell with a certain size provide specific results. For example the size of a cm x b cm produce electricity DC (Direct Current) of x Watts per hour/hours.

Types of photovoltaic/solar cell:

Polikristal (Poly-crystalline) 

Is the solar panels/solar cell that has a random arrangement of the crystals. Type Polikristal requires a larger surface area compared with other types of monokristal to generate electrical power, but can produce electricity at the time of light showers.

Monokristal (Mono-crystalline)

Is the most efficient panels generate electric power, a broad unity. Have an efficiency of up to 15%. The downside of this type of panel is not going to work either on the grounds that their Sun is less light (shade), the efficiency would drop drastically in cloudy weather.